Saturday, 11 May 2013

Developing Winning Attitude

Attitude are recurring thought and belief that predispose us to react in certain ways to a given object. Attitude has a lot to answer for behavior. Our behavior is combined function of our attitude, motive and personality.
Albert Einstein once said that Success is one percent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration. If you work hard, with proper thoughtful direction and develop a fair circle of right minded friends, you would be indirectly improving your luck. These are matters of attitude.
The inclination to work hard is matter of attitude, not intelligence. The habit of cultivating of good friends is also a matter of attitude. Success depends on more on attitude than on talent or intelligence. Talent and intelligence are potentials for success. It is attitude that turns this potential in to success. Attitude can be developed by constant self-appraisal and conscious efforts. You can also use your intellect by conscious decision making to change your attitude.
Robert H. Shullur, titling his bestselling book on basic winning attitude’ Success is never Ending, Failure is never Final’. Successful people radiate positive attitudes that inspire others to help them realize their dreams true.
 We can change ourselves by changing our mental attitude. We always form our mental attitude toward anything by consciously or unconsciously on the basis of what we fed to our mind. So be careful of your thought, it is thought (positive or negative) which influence you. And it is attitude toward anything that makes possible to react you on the basis of you preoccupied thought of your understanding, emotional state and situation faced in the past.
Attitude toward hard work, honesty, responsibility and friendship etc.. play the key role to success in the life. It is true that once we make our attitude then attitude will make us.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Soft Skill is the Recipe for Success

Our life is perennial battle for existence and security. In every field, we discover our identity and then seek success or achievement in the desired areas in order to secure these, for which we learn several hard skills through academics, training and internships but in spite  of these learning, we need something additional to imbibe in our personality that is Soft Skill.
Soft skill combines our technical knowledge, abilities and diverse experience with people skill. Because we have to deal with people. Soft skill include abilities such as effective communication presentation, creativity, analytic thinking, diplomacy, flexibility, listening skill and problem solving etc.. After gaining knowledge and acquiring some power in term of Degrees, Diplomas, wealth and status, we loss sight of being getting along with people and become obstinate, haughty, proud and arrogant. As a result, we become selfish and egoistic which leads us to downfall and failure at whatever task in our hand. So imbibing and utilizing the ingredient of soft skills and keeping the ego at bay, we can achieve anything in any field with detached, serene, and firm mind.Soft skill is the need to complement our academic and technical skill. Hundred of young student who emerge from school and collages are confused, directionless and depressed for not  properly achieving their goal just because of not acknowledging the value of soft skill.
As our traditional education system do not directly provide soft skill training, now-a-days, there are several soft skill's institute are available to serve who aspire for it.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Personality Development and its aspects

Personality development is very hot topic today and the topic of personality development evokes quick verve in the young minds mostly because they believe that they alone have a hope for development. It covers up, every aspect of life and our development makes us able to make adjustment, not only within our family but also with our society where we often we see a difference.Our purpose of educating children, socialization and improving maturity level helps a person to development of of harmonious and integrated personality.
Personality development is much spoken subject, but very few understand it. The word "personality" implies a relationship and "development" refer to our dissatisfaction about quality of our existing relationship with others.
Personality Development involves continuous struggle with our lower traits of personality, characterized by selfish desires, old habits,wrong tendencies of notion impulses and bad impression. While nurturing the child,  keeping stand point of societal need, it is important to organize for the new member of society an appropriate curriculum in which no one area of learning receive overemphasis at the expense of others. Integration of all say; self-esteem and self-discipline hold us back from acting below ourselves.
We need integrity awareness to analyse following phenomena as to why people fail to get along in their participation in life e.g. man with high managing capability fail to manage a small family; highly positioned officer fall from their status and corruption mars all growth of a country and so on..the reasons for these can not be attributed to fate.This happens due to loss of  feeling of our self worth. Never say, we are hopeless to control our bad impression. Go on doing good, thinking elevated thought is only way to suppress our lower traits and by changing habits we can build our Personality.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Value Creation in Life

Scientific knowledge is based on the fact about physical world and experience of tangible goods. But valuation is provided by man's mind. On the basis of value or ideal, we formulate our pattern of life, our duties, activities and our do's and don'ts. Values work like a compass which guides every movements of our life. The person without having value or ideal waste his life by wandering here and there.
 Creating value means acquire knowledge for what we are living. An internal guide post for directing our energy and effort to achieve our goal. Every one either create his value or follow given value system set up by his community or social groups.Every successful person created or identified their value and start to live value in their four areas of life i.e. Roles, Responsibility, Routine and Relationship.Living with value bring success, peace and harmony in life which ultimately gives satisfaction.     

Monday, 26 March 2012

Power of Question in Life

The capacity to question and to inquire is basic to human being because animals do not question and inquire. And since they do not question they remain what they are- animals, ignorant and earthbound.
Though animals remain 'satisfied' but man, because of question is often dissatisfied. Most of the time, the capacity of question and doubt create sufferings and pains for man, but if this power,properly cultivated and directed, will bring the source of progress and development. Mankind in general has progressed because of this capacity to question and get the answers.
Suffering and pain awakens man's inner capacity to question that why do i suffer?. After many experiments and experiences, he stops blaming others and turns within.This means educating and disciplining the power of asking question about inner thoughts, feelings and desires in which we live and find solutions to the problem of life

Friday, 10 February 2012

The Importance- Factors in Human Life

Every thing has its importance. Life is important but living is more important. Its main purpose is to highlight or remind the far-reaching effect of something in a given situation, time and place.Importance factor plays  a vital role in all dimension of life. For example, if a person wants to change himself for betterment, he can do so, only when he begins to feel its importance.This feeling of importance occupies all his mind- space and action. Thus action comes from thinking.
Though we live through the network of importance but according to situation, our importance factor changes in different circumstances. Food, for instance,is important but quality and quantity of food becomes relative importance depending upon age, lifestyle, weather and one's health condition.
Thus, by feeling the power of importance, we should make a distinction between relative importance and ultimate  importance and fix priorities so that we could live a well- directed life. All the results we attain are according to our importance-factors.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

The power of Routine

 As the every planet following its momentary rotation in the universe .Routine means fixed way of doing things or to follow a set of physical and mental disciplines consciously. We are often swayed by our moods and impulses. Following the Routine means sacrificing momentary impulses and sticking to what one decided to follow.
As the Sun rays is passed through a magnifying glass over a paper from one place to another nothing happened, but when held it on one spot for a while a whole appeared. Thus to make success of our life we must follow the 'Routine-formula to concentrate our effort on the undertaking task in the hand.